Architectural Designer

Born in East LA and raised in the Dirty South, Elizabeth is now a wholehearted Portlander with a unique perspective on life in the Pacific Northwest. As the daughter of 1st and 2nd generation Latinx immigrants, she pushes herself harder than anyone else ever could. Elizabeth believes all design should come from a place of empathy and empowerment, and she loves collaborating to find solutions and brainstorm ideas.

A self-described bohemian-goth-Mexican-hipster, you’ve probably run into Elizabeth if you frequent Portland record shops or heard her blasting Outkast or Post-Punk music while cruising up and down North Lombard. She’s always hunting for good deals on vintage vinyl from around the world, and her David Bowie discography collection is an ongoing obsession.

When she’s not listening to music, playing with plants, or hanging out with her better half, Elizabeth is furiously working towards solutions on our projects and helping us towards our goal of socially equitable and sustainable design. We think she’s unstoppable but when she does get overwhelmed, she’ll just sip some herbal tea, do a one-minute-power-meditation, and be back ready for more. To steal a phrase from Erykah Badu, “she’s an analog girl in a digital world”... and an all-around rock star!